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Here are some really cool gifs
Sorry I don't have very many of them. Please be patient because gifs have a habit of downloading verrrryyy sllllooowwwllly but are definitely worth waiting for.

<-- Dwarf Runes
this is a pretty neat gif... I guess..
An awesome gif of the man himself! -->
Smoking his pipe of course.
<-- a sort of boring gif of Legolas
What are those little white specks supposed to be?? Oh, well. It's Lord of the Rings isn't it? :-)
A silver sword
which is simple but really cool.

<-- an elvish blade
Okay, so this isn't *actually* a LOTR gif but it looks like one!
A really awesome gif of the Ring of Doom!
a torch that LOOKS like it's from LOTR
It's pretty cool
Smaug the Dragon
From "The Hobbit". It's pretty cool!


feel free to use any of these for your own site, but please vote and sign my guestbook. Thanks!